Learn more about Docview Studio for Windows Docview Studio functions together with all kinds of ID-Reader Systems as well as Check4ID which are supplied by us.It has many plug-in, add-on, modules and configuration options.
In Docview Studio you can quickly and clearly see the verification results of identity documents. The collected information can be used directly for identification, authentication, verification and registration applications. Comparison of the visual and chip information Both legible and passport photos can be checked. Various checks of the NFC Chip data The first check...
In Docview Studio you can quickly and clearly see the document verification results you are interested in. The collected information can be used directly for identification, authentication, verification and registration applications. Adjustable and can be set up as desired Only use what you really need
Docview-Studio is state of the art software for checking ID-Documents With the ever-increasing attention in the field of identity fraud and the ability to quickly check all kinds of identity documents, DocView-Studio is the appropriate tool for you. Docview Studio’s power is your advantage Proven since 2014 in numerous sectors and industries Docview Studio...
ValidateDMx is the complete 2D quality validation system for Data Matrix ECC 200 codes. It is designed to work on all types of direct marking (DPM) and label marking applications. To properly integrate a label or “Direct Part Marking” application, it is important to control the entire process of Marking, Verifying, Reading and Communicating...
Docuspect is our latest generation of inspection, verification and authentication software Docuspect reads and verfies the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ), the RFID Chip and the Visual Inspection Zone (VIZ) of the Identity Documents and can export the desired data and results to your CRM or Back-End application. THE RIGHT Tool Get the right “Toolkit”...
With Check Scan you verify and compare various types of Corona QR Codes with ID Documents and do an age check right away Check Scan reads, checks and authenticates the national and international corona QR codes and compares the data with that of an ID Document.
Our latest achievement in modern identity, document and age verfication is our Multi-Platform Check4ID Application With the Multi-Platform Check4ID Application you can quickly and easily scan all modern ID cards, passports, residence permits and driving licenses equipped with an NFC chip. Check4ID works on Android, iOS and Windows. Check4ID Supports The Following Identity Documents...